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Who are the competitors of Amazon


Amazon, the biggest retailer of the world is also among the biggest technology players. Its clout in the cloud industry is growing. The IT industry has evolved fast in the 21st century. There are several companies engaged in a tough competition with Amazon. Its revenue from retail has grown fast in recent years. U.S. is its biggest market accounting for the largest share of revenue. The brand invests heavily in research and development for the development of new technologies and to improve its customer experience. Number of active members on Amazon commerce website has continued to grow and its obsession with customer service is also well known. However, when it comes to the intense battle in the technology industry, the center of focus is Amazon web Services. AWS is a leading player in the cloud industry with very few having the ability to match its clout. Still, there are quite a few names that compete with Amazon and its product and service offerings.

Some quick facts and stats on Amazon:

Revenue 2017: 178 Billion Dollars

AWS Revenue: 17.46 Billion Dollars

Net Income 2017: 3 Billion Dollars

Marketing Expenses: 10 Billion Dollars

Total Number of employees: 566000


The search giant is also one of the major competitors of Amazon. Its cloud based products and services compete with Amazon web services. While the main source of revenue for Google is digital advertising, cloud services are also an important source of revenue for it. Moreover, the cloud battle is intensifying everyday and Google is also one of the top cloud players. Alphabet is the parent company of Google and its revenue in 2017 was 110.85 Billion total. Revenue from Google was 109.65 Billion Dollars.


Microsoft is known as the maker of Windows OS and Microsoft Office system. However, it also earns its revenue from intelligent cloud grow. AWS competes with Microsoft Azure. Infact Microsoft is among the toughest players in cloud battle. Its revenue from Intelligent cloud in 2017 climbed to 27.44 Billion dollars. This growth has happened mainly driven by growth in sales server products and cloud services.


Salesforce is another major player in the cloud battle and its cloud based solutions have kept growing in popularity. It is also being considered a rising and rough contender against AWS and Microsoft Dynamics. Its 2017 revenue was 839 crores USD.


Walmart, the biggest retailer of US is extending its presence in foreign markets. Apart from that it takes the biggest chunk of the US retail market.  In the field of retail it is one of the most formidable competitors that Amazon is set against. Moreover, Walmart is extending its presence in the Indian market by buying 77% stake in Flipkart and Indian retail brand. Walmart’s 2017 revenue was 485.9 Billion dollars.


E-Bay may be smaller in size compared to Amazon but still it is a significant player in the e-retail market. There are large number of buyers and sellers on Ebay. The brand also competes against the product and service offerings by Amazon e-commerce platform.


Oracle is another formidable player in the cloud battle. Its cloud marketplace offers one of the broadest and most advanced cloud platform in the industry. Oracle is a significant competitor for AWS as well as Microsoft and Google. The cloud wars are getting intense everyday and each player is in no mood to let the other win. Its revenue in 2017 was 37.7 Billion dollars driven primarily by grown in cloud revenues. Cloud revenues formed 12% of its entire revenue in 2017.


Alibaba is competing with Amazon in two major areas. One is retail and another is cloud business. Apart from its growing clout in China and Asian markets, Alibaba is also investing in cloud business to grow its revenue and find faster growth. It has grown to become a significant player in the retail industry and therefore is a significant challenger against Amazon.

There are more players in the e-commerce and cloud industry that are competing with Amazon. Walmart and Costco are also offering e-commerce services in select markets.  There are other significant players too in the cloud Industry like SAP or IBM whose product offerings compete with that of AWS. Amazon’s Kindle also competes with Apple Ipad.