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Gucci social media marketing strategy


Social  media is now an irreplaceable part of any major fashion brand’s marketing strategy. All the leading fashion brands are using social media to increase their reach and to engage their customers and fans from all around the globe. Gucci is among the most famous fashion brands of the world. It was founded in the year 1921 in florence. The fashion house of Gucci is best known for its quality and attention to detail.

The brand has been hailed as the pinnacle of the Italian craftsmanship. Gucci is one of the several brands of Kering. Today, Gucci is considered the definition of Luxury in the world of fashion. Luxury fashion brands use several channels for marketing including fashion shows, celebrity endorsements and other forms and channels of promotions that target the higher end market. However, digital channels have increasingly grown in use in the 21st century.

Rise of the digital technology and AI have brought a wave of digital marketing that is being increasingly used by fashion and luxury brands to keep their fans and followers engaged and  to achieve higher recognition in the market. Social media channels and especially Facebook and Instagram are being used extensively by the fashion brands including Gucci to showcase their products and to build stronger relationships with their audience.

The best thing about social media is that you get to reach more than the regular audience. You also reach the people who are interested in knowing your brand and Facebook and Instagram are among most suitable channels for showcasing your brand’s personality, create excitement and find faster growth. Gucci is also one of the luxury fashion brands that is using social media channels for engaging followers and to promote its products. Read more about how it uses social media for marketing and promotions as well as customer engagement.

Facebook :-

Facebook is the leading social media channel with the largest audience size and offering the best tools for promotions and customer engagement. It is also the favorite channel of marketers because of its reach and popularity globally. With more than 2 billion active users, it provides one of the best platforms for promoting your products before a global audience. Gucci has  a large number of fans following it on Facebook. There are around 15 million followers of Gucci on Facebook.

The fashion brand uses its account mainly for promotions. Apart from the fresh arrivals in each season, it also promotes the works of specific designers on Facebook. The brand has achieved an attractive engagement level. Gucci generally makes a few posts on a  daily basis and each of these posts receives a thousand to three thousand likes. Followers’ reactions on these posts shows a nice level of engagement and strong customer connection. Gucci promotes all its product ranges on Facebook including dresses, shoes and accessories. Apart from being a suitable promotional channel, Facebook is also great for announcing important events.



Instagram is the favorite playground of fashion brands and many  of them including Gucci have a very large band of followers on Insta. Gucci’s number of followers on Insta is even larger than Facebook. Instagram has a large number of celebrities and several brands use them to market their products. The number of Instagram members has grown sharply in recent years and fashion brands have flocked to Instagram in very large numbers because of the attractive features it offers for marketing of their products.

Gucci has more than 33 million followers on Instagram and it uses the platform for brand promotion as well as user engagement. It has also achieved very nice level of user engagement on Instagram. Apart from promoting its products, the brand also posts images and videos from important events to keep its followers informed and engaged. In case of Gucci Instagram has proved to be a better marketing channel than even Facebook. Each of the posts receives between 50 and 125K likes. This is a proof of how successfully Gucci has engaged followers on Instagram.


Twitter is also an attractive marketing platform apart from a social media channel. Its features are best suited for real time marketing and engaging users. Gucci regularly posts from this platform to keep its more than 5.5 Million followers engaged. Apart from using twitter to promote its brand, products and events, it also posts about its CSR activities on Twitter. The number of users on twitter is smaller compared to Facebook or Instagram. However, the platform is still abuzz with activity and can be very good for running marketing campaigns and for real time engagement.

Social media has now become an integral part of fashion brand’s promotional strategy which are using it for promotion of their products and brand and for engaging their users. Gucci is a leading luxury brand and a renowned name in the world of fashion. It has used social media channels skilfully for engaging fans and followers from around the world. Its number of followers is the largest on Instagram of all social media platforms. However, Facebook and twitter have also played an integral role in its social media marketing strategy. Gucci must use promotional videos more actively for promotions and user engagement.