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Microsoft Revenue from Various Product/service offerings

Microsoft Revenue from Various Product/Service Offerings 2015-2017

The following table shows the revenue of Microsoft from various product/service offerings. Amounts are in millions

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Microsoft has a large range of product/service offerings. Its main sources of revenue are Microsoft office system as well as server products and tools. Apart from them, Xbox, Windows PC OS and advertising are also important sources of revenue for the brand. Its revenue from Microsoft Office System increased by 1800 Million US Dollars. Microsoft’s revenue from Microsoft Office System in 2017 was 25389 Millions and in 2016, it was 23588 Million US dollars. Its revenue from server products and tools increased by more than 2500 Million US dollars. Its 2017 revenue from Server products and tools was 21758 millions and in 2016 it was 19177 Million US dollars. However, Microsoft’s revenue from Xbox fell by around 140 Million US dollars. Its 2016 revenue from Xbox was 9256 Million whereas that  in 2017 was 9395 Million US dollars. Revenue increased from both Windows PC OS and advertising in 2017.


Annual Reports of Microsoft