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Meta Inc Net Revenue from the US

How much Meta Inc (Facebook) generates from the US market?

In the year 2022, Meta Inc witnessed a decrease of 1% in its overall net revenue as compared to the preceding year. Additionally, the company observed a decline of over $1 billion in its net revenue from the domestic market. Meta Inc generated a total of $47.2 billion from the United States, which is lower than the $48.38 billion generated in the previous year.

Meta Inc US Net Revenue

Amounts are in billions.

YearUnited States revenue ($bn)

2021: Meta Inc (formerly Facebook) generated $48.38 billion from the United States market in 2021 compared to $36.25 billion in 2020.

United States is the largest market for Facebook which generates substantially all of its revenue from advertising. In 2019, the net revenue of Facebook reached $70.7 billion compared to $55.84 billion in 2018. Its net revenue from the United States market grew to $32.2 billion in 2019 compared to $25.73 billion in 2018.

 About Facebook:

 Facebook is one of the leading social media platforms with an active user base that runs in billions. The company was incorporated in Delaware in July, 2004. It has its headquarters at Menlo Park, California. Apart from facebook, the company aslo owns messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Oculus. Substantially all of facebook’s revenue comes from advertising. The social media platform of Facebook provides attractive features for building communities and connecting with others as well as advertising and promotions.