Home » Memo: Reducing Idle Time

Memo: Reducing Idle Time

Sample Memo: Reducing Idle Time

To: Richard Winchester,  Head – finance

From: Kelly Anderson, Production supervisor

Date: April 8th, 2017-08-04

Subject: Reducing Idle Time

I absolutely agree with your views on reducing idle time to balance production. However, there are some hurdles that must be eliminated and some changes made in order to balance our production line.  First of all, reducing the idle time becomes difficult because of poor synchronization between the various departments. There are several involved in production and with more synchronization between them we can achieve a smoother work flow.  I have been pondering over it for quite a few months. So, I conducted an analysis of the reasons that might be causing idle time.

Most workers complained of not being given proper instructions regarding work.  Apart from machine down time, unclear or confusing instructions are among the most prominent causes of idle time.  However, a deeper analysis needs to be conducted to find out more. Apart from it, minimizing transit time between the stations can also reduce the idle time and lead to more balanced production time.

To capture all the reasons behind idle time, we need to analyze each workstation. This will provide us with deeper and better insight and help us eliminate hurdles more easily.  Minimizing the transit time can also be helpful. Ensuring a seamless flow of work through the shop flow will lead to a drop in idle time. Next important thing where our focus needs to be on is communication. Better communication between managers and workers will also reduce the hurdles and ensure better workflow. Interruptions are caused if the tools or machines are not in perfect order and ready for use.

I was planning a meeting where the production managers could talk about creating a more inclusive environment and making workers a part of the solution. We need to form a team that will investigate all the issues and causes of problems.  If we are to reduce idle time and implement a perfectly balanced production line then we would need to bring in more synchronization and order. Some hasty steps must be taken in this direction. Forming an analysis team can be our first step.

