Home » Letter of apology to customer for the delivery of wrong shipment

Letter of apology to customer for the delivery of wrong shipment

Sample Apology Letter

Sender’s Name

Sender’s Address

Receiver’s Name

Receiver’s address





Dear Mr ABC,

First of all, please accept my sincerest apologies for the delivery of incorrect shipment to your address. We started a formal inquiry in this regard and discovered that the error happened at one of our fulfilment centers and the wrong order was recorded in your name. We have instantly taken steps to correct the error and instituted counter measures which will prevent the occurrence of such an error in future.  You are an old customer of our company and we are happy to have been able to serve you satisfactorily earlier. So, to make up for our mistake and your loss, we decided to provide you the ordered product at only half the price and refund half of your payment.

We have also put your order on priority so the shipment is delivered at the earliest.  Our company values each and every customer and will do everything to keep them satisfied and happy.  So, please once again accept our apologies and accept the 50% refund as a token of our goodwill and service. We understand that this mistake might have caused you some inconvenience. However, we are doing our best to service your order at a priority and have already issued the half refund. We hope, this slight discrepancy in our service will not put any strain in our relationships. In case you do not want the product any more, please feel free to ask for a full refund. You can return the wrong delivery to our delivery person. If you want to talk to us in this regard, we will be happy to answer your concerns. Kindly use the toll free number at the bottom and me or someone from my team will get in contact with you. You can also contact us  by replying  this e-mail.


Mark Smith

Customer Service Manager, Elektra Appliances

Call – 80000xxxxxxx