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How important is branding for small businesses

Importance of Branding Strategy for Small Businesses

When you say that branding is the soul of your marketing strategy then you know its critical importance for the long term success of your business. However, most people connect branding with the big brands only. Small businesses often fail to be mindful of this part of their marketing strategy.  It is why their magic often fails to work. Branding is a very important term in the context of marketing and it is just as critical for small businesses as for big ones. A consistent branding strategy is not essential just for sales and marketing. It is important to keep the soul of your small business together and strong. To secure a business’ position in the market, it is important to build a strong brand. In this regard, brand image and brand recognition are important terms that have to be understood. Even small businesses must create brands that are easily recognizable and that their customers can easily connect with. This helps not only in the long term but in the shirt term too. In the long term it can help reduce your marketing worries. Here is more on how branding can help small businesses.

The better the connection between the brand and the customer, the faster will your small business flourish.  In the world of small business whatever small or big investment you make into branding is important and to derive value from every penny invested, you must think of building a smart brand.  It is why small business owners need to understand the critical importance of  having a branding strategy. Better branding in most cases means better business. Small businesses with a good branding strategy inspire higher trust and reliability. There are hurdles in the way and still small businesses can overcome these hurdles.

To build a clearly identifiable brand is not easy. It is one of the most complex terms in the world of marketing where the feelings associated with the business brand matter. It is how you want your customers to know and feel about your business.  The kind of energy you infuse in your brand becomes its soul and identity. The higher the energy your brand exudes, the stronger is its image and the higher its brand recognition. In case of the small businesses, even if they serve small customer segments, it is important that they mind their branding strategy. The customer connection gets stronger with a stronger brand statement and that  means less pushing for sales even during the lean season.

There is competition in the world of small business and a brand is what sets your business apart from your competition. Unless a small business wants to be lost in the crowd, it will focus on building a strong, consistent and competent brand.  The branding strategy is not as simple as having a logo or a slogan or a distinct name. There is more to it. However, these are some of the important components of branding and help develop a brand that can set itself apart from others. These components add relevance and meaningfulness to your brand. However, a business brand should develop a personality of itself and a voice of its own.

Some important steps to building a strong small business brand:

  • A brand starts with a name. Names are critical to your success but instead of having a name that sounds catchy, one should adopt a name that is relevant and gives a glimpse of the business. Like Burger king sells Burgers and KFC sells fried chicken, a small business too should think of a name that is relevant and helps understand what the business is about. If the name introduces your business, every prospect will find it easy to know you.  Meaningful names add relevance to the business and help your customers easily remember what kind of product or service you offer.
  • Develop a unique personality and voice. The personality of your business brand is what your customers will identify your brand through. Ensure that your brand’s personality is consistent with your goals. Consistency is important and you must develop a personality that matches your business’ objectives. Your brand should have a voice that is distinct from the crowd. Its uniqueness decides the level of success your brand is going to achieve.
  • Focus upon your logo. A logo is considered a very important part of marketing. The impact of the logo is an important determinant of the impact of your marketing and branding strategies. Think of a smart logo that may be light, easy to connect with and good for engaging attention and building brand recognition. Nike’s Swoosh or Apple’s logo, are the most distinct parts of their branding strategy and make the brands easily recognizable. Logo apart from being an important part of the marketing communication, helps you gain instant brand recognition and secure potential customers.
  • Relate with your customers and use feedback. The feedback you get about your brand is important and you should listen to it carefully. It will help you understand what factors work and what do not. Feedback helps you see your brand from the customers’ angle. It helps you make it better and develop it continuously. Logo, slogan and brand personality are all part of your branding strategy and you must work to bring consistency in them. If there is consistency, the message you are trying to deliver will be clearer and the connection you are trying to strike with your audience stronger.

These are some of the things that small businesses can take care of to be successful. Marketing a small business brand can be easy, given that their branding strategy is consistent with their objectives.  A good branding strategy is good for the financial health of your small business brand. It helps you gain recognition and find prospects easily. It also keeps you from getting lost in the crowd. Small businesses that do not want to be in a state of identity crisis will focus on their branding strategy to gain recognition fast and engage their customers. Apart from better sales and revenue, it helps you gain higher stability and reduce the competitive pressure. Small businesses should understand both the long term and a short term gains of a branding strategy and that will help them take focused steps in this direction.



