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H&M Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social Media strategy of H&M (Hennes & Mauritz)


Social media has become an important platform for all the brands trying to get close to their target market. Like the other fast fashion brands H&M has also grown fast during the recent years. The credit to a large extent goes to its heavy focus on digitization. It has grown its digital presence to 11 new markets last year thus reaching a total of 35 markets through ecommerce. Apart from it, the brand has used digital media for effective marketing of its products and brands. There are six brands under H&M, each of which caters to distinct market segments. The brand has used a great social media strategy to reach its customers and engage them at a deeper level. Apart from Facebook, it has used Twitter and other social media platforms to engage its followers. Social media can help you attract new as well as retain old customers. This is an analysis of the social media strategy of H&M including an analysis of its campaigns on various social media platforms.


Facebook, like many other brands is also the primary platform for social media marketing for H&M. There are more than 32 million followers of the brand on Facebook. It posts regular updates about the new products and designs as well as any events or marketing campaigns it organizes. Some brands are really great at marketing themselves from Facebook. The case of H&M is also one among such. It uses Facebook for regional marketing and branding too. At the top of the page, local events and promotions are showcased in every market. It uses videos and pictures that give an inside the store glimpse as well as showcase the newest styles available. However, more than that the Facebook account serves as a platform to engage the customers and visitors. Its local brand ambassadors and other styles as well as beautiful models in H&M clothes are showcased with beauty through its Facebook page. Satisfied and disappointed customers both talk to the brand through its Facebook page and express their joy or dissatisfaction as they like. In this way, Facebook provides for efficient communication between the brand and its customers effectively.


H&M has also used Twitter for effective marketing of its brands and products. There are different Twitter accounts for different markets like H&M USA, H&M Canada, H&M Belgium and H&M UK.  Its main Twitter account has more than 8.6 million followers. The brand uses Twitter to showcase its products and brands and to engage the customers.  Some features in Twitter are similar to that of Facebook. It can be used to showcase large size images and videos. The Twitter feeds flow like news clips which provides for better user engagement.


YouTube is a great platform for engaging fans and followers. H&M has showcased more than 650 videos in its YouTube account. The focus is not just marketing of products or brands but to create long term relationships with the customers through deeper engagement. H&M does not just promote its products, but there are also how to videos included. Its You Tube account has more than 261K subscribers.  Its newest Fall Collection video has had more than 91,ooo views in 2 weeks.

Instagram :

Instagram is another important stop for the brand where it has showcased its brand and its products beautifully. For most of the fashion brands, Instagram acts as an effective platform for customer and fan engagement. People can like your post and follow your brand as well as comment on your posts. It is great for marketing of those brands that mainly use images for marketing. H&M has made 3761 posts on Instagram and has 22.9 million followers, following its brand.  This is a very high number and reflects the kind of success H&M has achieved by marketing on Instagram.


Pinterest is another great social media platform for the fashion brands. They can easily market their products and brands through images from Pinterest. Here people save pins and follow boards. There are several accounts associated with H&M on Pinterest like H&M for men, H&M for kids, H&M home and H&M denim. This social media platform has also helped H&M market its brand and build a large group of fans and followers.


Google plus:

While several other brands have paid less attention to Google plus, H&M has used it efficiently .to engage its followers.  The Google plus account can be used to post image, videos and updates. H&M has got more than six million followers on Google Plus.  It posts both images and videos on Google Plus meant to engage its followers.  Fans and followers can +1 its posts as well post their comments on its Google Plus page.  In this way, social media is among the most important venues for marketing for H&M. the brand does not just connect with its existing followers through these accounts but also attracts new customers.