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Gap Inc research and development expenses

The chart above displays the net research and development expenses of Gap Inc from 2016 to 2022. In 2022, the company spent $46 million on research and development compared to $41 million in 2021. Gap experienced a decline in net sales and generated a negative net income in 2022. Its net losses for 2022 remained $202 million.

Research and Development expenses of Gap Inc. 2016-2022

Amounts are in $millions.

YearR&D expenses ($ millions)

2022: In 2022 the research and development expenses of Gap Inc were $46 million compared to $41 million in the prior year.

2021: GAP spent $41 million on research and development in 2021 compared to $46 million in 2020. 

 Research and Development expenses of Gap Inc were $50 million in 2018 which was a million less than the previous year.

Gap is a well known fashion brand based in the United States with more than 3,300 stores operational worldwide. As of January 2023, GAP has company operated stores operational in the United States, Canada, Japan, China, and Taiwan. In 2022, the company experienced a decline in its net sales and its total net loss was $202 million. Its total net sales amounted $15,616 million in 2022 compared to $16,670 million in 2021.