Home » Facebook Monthly Active Users US & Canada

Facebook Monthly Active Users US & Canada

The chart above presents the monthly active users of Facebook from the US & Canada from 2020 to 2023 in millions.

Facebook, a social media platform founded in 2004, is currently the world’s foremost platform of its kind, owned by Meta Inc. The parent company, formerly known as Facebook Inc, underwent a name change to Meta Inc in 2021. With a user base in the billions, Facebook is a prominent platform in the social media industry. 

As of the first quarter of 2023, the global Monthly Active User base of Facebook was approximately 3 billion people (2.989 billion). Although the United States and Canada are the leading markets for Facebook in terms of net revenue, the Asia Pacific region boasts a significant user base. At the end of fiscal year 2022, Facebook’s user base in the US and Canada reached 266 million. By the end of the first quarter of 2023, the monthly active user base of Facebook in the US and Canada was 269 million, which accounted for less than ten percent of its total global monthly active user base.

2023 Mar 31269
2022 Dec 31266
2022 Sep 30266
2022 Jun 30264
2022 Mar 31263
2021 Dec 30262
2021 sep 30261
2021 Jun 30259
2021 Mar 31259
2020 Dec 31258
2020 Sep 30255
2020 Jun 30256
2020 Mar 31253
2019 Dec 31248

At the end of Fiscal 2020, the number of monthly active users of Facebook was 258 million compared to 248 million at the conclusion of the previous year.

Note: Facebook defines Monthly Active Users as registered and logged in Facebook users who visited the social media platform through its website or app or the used the facebook messenger app in the last 30 days of the day of measurement.