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Facebook Daily Active Users

Facebook defines a daily active user as a registered and logged in Facebook user who visited Facebook through its website or mobile app or used the Facebook messenger app on a given day. By the end of fiscal 2022, the daily active users of Facebook increased to 2,037 million compared to 2,000 million at the end of the previous quarter.

Daily Active Users of Facebook 2017-2023

Numbers are in millions.

Mar 31 20232,037
Dec 31 20222,000
Sep 30 20221,984
Jun 30 20221,968
Mar 31 20221,960
Dec 31. 20211,929
Sep 30. 20211,930
Jun 30. 20211,908
Mar 31. 20211,878
Dec 31. 20201,845
Sep 30. 20201,820
Jun 30. 20201,785
Mar 31. 20201,734
Dec 31. 20191,657
Sep 30. 20191,623
Jun 30. 20191,587
Mar 31. 20191,562
Dec 31. 20181,523
Sep 30. 20181,495
Jun 30. 20181,471
Mar 31. 20181,449
Dec 31 20171,401

2021: The number of Daily Active users of Facebook at the end of 2021 was 1.929 billion, compared to 1.845 billion an year ago.

2020: The number of Daily Active Users of Facebook at the end of 2020 was 1.845 billion compared to 1.657 billion at the end of 2019.

2019: Facebook’s number of daily active users was 1.657 billion at the end of 2019 compared to 1.523 billion an year ago.