Home » Brief Business Profile of Vodafone Group Plc

Brief Business Profile of Vodafone Group Plc

Key Facts:

  • Company name : Vodafone Group Plc.
  • Headquarters : London, UK
  • Industry : Telecommunications
  • VODAFONE Group Chairman : Gerard Kleisterlee
  • VODAFONE Group CEO: Nick Read
  • VODAFONE Group CFO: Margherita Della Valle
  • Number of employees 2018 : 106,135
  • Main Markets : Germany, UK, Italy, Span, South Africa, India.
  • Number of mobile customers in India 2018 : 223 million
  • Number of mobile customers in Europe 2018 : 118.7 million
  • Number of mobile customers in Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific 2018: 417.1 million
  • Global Vodafone Group Revenue in 2018 : €46,571 million.
  • Vodafone group revenue from Europe : € 33,888 million
  • Vodafone group Revenue from Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific : €11,462 million
  • Vodafone India Revenue 2018 : €4,670 million
  • Vodafone Group Free cashflow 2018 : €4,044 million

Operations :

Vodafone has operations across 25 countries. In 18 countries it offers mobile and fixed telecommunications services whereas in seven it offers only mobile services. The company has partnership agreements with local operators in 47 markets. It offers roaming  coverage in 144 countries. IP-VPN service of Vodafone provides coverage across 150 countries.

Vodafone’s entire market is divided into two main geographic regions:

  1. Europe: – Albania, Czech Republic , Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands (joint venture), Portugal, Romania, Spain, UK
  2. Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific: Australia (joint venture), Egypt, Ghana, India, New Zealand, Turkey, Vodacom Group (South Africa, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Lesotho, Kenya (associate))

In India, Vodafone group has entered into a joint venture with the Aditya Birla group. It combined its Indian subsidiary Vodafone India with Idea Cellular excluding the 42% stake that it held in Indus towers.

Products and services offered:

Vodafone has brought a large range of services targeted at both individual customers and enterprises.

Individual customers:

  • Offers a large range of mobile services for individual customers customers to call, text and access data whether from home or while roaming.
  • Fixed line services by Vodafone include broadband, TV offerings and voice. Its next generation network offers high speed connectivity.
  • Value added services:  VAS services by Vodafone include  mobile money services through M-Pesa offering, Vodafone’s consumer IoT proposition “V by Vodafone”, as well as security and insurance products.

Enterprise products:

Enterprise customers of Vodafone range from small businesses to large multinational companies.

– Vodafone offers mobile, fixed and a suite of converged communication services that support the growing needs of small and large enterprises.

– IoT:- Vodafone offers a diverse range of IoT services including managed IoT connectivity, automotive and insurance services, smart metering and health solutions.

– Cloud & Security : –  The cloud and security products by Vodafone include both public and private cloud services, as well as cloud-based applications and security products for networks and devices.

– Carrier Services: Vodafone sells capacity on its global submarine and terrestrial cable systems. The services it offers include international voice, IP transit and messaging.


Vodafone Annual Report 2018

Members of the Vodafone Group Plc Board