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Blogging for small businesses

How small businesses stand to benefit from blogging

Small businesses generally rely upon traditional marketing channels or social media for promotions. However, the rise of digital technology has brought new possibilities for small businesses. Apart from making it easier for them to reach their customers and target market, it has also helped them promote their products or services with higher efficiency and effect. When it comes to marketing, small businesses do not have a sizeable marketing budget. They cannot devote significant money to marketing or do not have a large budget for promotions. With a limited marketing budget, they do not have many options in terms or marketing apart from free social media channels, email and their website. With the rise of digital technology and mobile computing, sales and marketing have changed a lot. People search for almost any form of information online. In the developing and developed countries especially, online sales and marketing will grow the demand for your products/services faster. While social media is an excellent marketing channel for small businesses, it is more effective when used in combination with your business website/blog.

Advantages of blogging for small businesses –

  • Get found in search results.
  • Higher brand recognition.
  • Easy to promote products/services.
  • Grow customer base and build loyalty.
  • Grow trustful relationships with customers.
  • Create a stronger image.
  • Increased customer convenience.
  • Excellent marketing communication and customer support channel.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Benefits :-

Owning a blog/website helps you get found in search results easily. If your blog is full of content and uses relevant keywords to target the right customer segment, you will rank higher in search results. A blog makes targeting easier for you. Since customers search for information online, it increases your visibility and helps your customers find you. The higher you rank in search results, the faster you find growth. Thus, a blog helps you grow you customer base faster.

Higher brand recognition :-

With a blog, your brand recognition grows higher. More people find you in their search results and read about your business on their smartphones and portable devices. If brand recognition grows, your small business will also find its sales and revenue growing. The more the people know you, the better it is for your business. Higher brand recognition also leads to higher publicity and word of mouth.

Promote your products/services:

Small businesses with websites can easily promote their products/services through them. Special pages dedicated to products/services and their prices help users find what they are looking for. However, if you can add a blog to your website, that will make your task easier. You can promote special offers and deals on your blog. Apart from that an even better way to promote your products and services through your blog is to write detailed posts. You can insert call to action buttons inside these posts to send users to your enquiry or sales pages.

Grow customer base and build user loyalty:

A blog can make it easier for a small business to acquire customers and build customer loyalty. To expand your customer base, you need to market your small business. Having a blog makes it easier to attract new customers. Post content on your blog related to your business. You can turn your customers into subscribers. Offer subscriptions that will keep your customers updated about new products and deals. This will also help build customer loyalty.

Build a strong image; grow trust :

Even small businesses need to build trust. To build trust, first a business must build a strong image. Having a strong image helps against competition and gives you an advantage over other businesses. A strong image creates higher trust and leads to higher customer loyalty. Keep in touch with your loyal customers through your blog. It makes them feel cared for and connected. This will help yours business in the short and the long run. You will retain your existing customers and attract new ones.

Care for your customers’ convenience:

A blog can also work as a customer support channel. From your blog your customers can find the information they are looking for conveniently. You can publish DIY (Do It Yourself) or self help guides on your blog . These guides will engage your customers. You should not just care for sales but for customers’ convenience too. The DIY posts are effective in terms of lead generation as well.

How A Small Business Can Start A Blog

Small Businesses do not need to invest a lot to have a blog. Now-a-days, there are many hosting providers that can make it easy for you to maintain a website/blog. If you already have a website, you need to just add a blog to it. In case you do not have one, just buy an affordable hosting package from one of the reputed hosts and get going. Install a CMS (WordPress, Joomla etc.). WordPress is a better CMS for beginners with easy access to several features and no maintenance related complexities. Moreover, hosting packages do not cost much now. You can start from as low as $2 or 3. So, small businesses with a limited budget can also maintain a blog. Even if you update the blog once or twice a week that will be great for your small business. Read this mini-guide for extra information.