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Audi Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy of Luxury Vehicle Brand Audi.

Audi is a leading luxury vehicle brand and a shiny gem in Volkswagen’s product portfolio. It is a globally popular brand of luxury vehicles. Its aesthetic beauty, innovative technology, and sporty image are the main reasons behind its popularity. Audi is always in the spotlight by its style. The brand markets itself using  traditional and modern channels. Digital marketing has become important to driving sales and success in today’s world. Audi uses several digital channels including its website. It also uses social media websites to connect with fans and followers and to keep them engaged. Most vehicle brands are there on social media sites including all the Audi’s competitors.

Many of them have several accounts to connect with specific groups of followers. Social media helps businesses reach the right customer segments located in various geographical regions. Many companies use this feature to promote their products before customers in various markets. Audi has also used several accounts for this purpose and to connect with its fans and followers all around the globe. However, social media is an effective channel for marketing and on the other hand also requires careful management of marketing communication. Companies can use it for promotion, to run seasonal campaigns and to address more marketing related needs. You can note its promotion of glamorous rides on most social networking websites.


Facebook is a leading social media platform with the highest number of users. It has more than 2 billion users. Its large audience base makes it the best place to expand your marketing reach.  You can use the platform to run campaigns, engage customers successfully through interactions or to just share video content and images. Facebook has many features which most marketers will find useful. One important precaution any brand must keep is to set a clear focus for its Facebook communication strategy. Otherwise, it’s easy to lose sight of important insights which can help you create great promotional campaigns. You should observe customers’ responses and interaction with your shared content. Audi has created many accounts on Facebook. Some are dedicated to specific markets like India, U.S.A. and U.K.  and some to product categories like sports cars.

Audi’s U.S.A. page has the highest number of followers at 11 millions followed by Audi Sports page at 7.1 millions. The India page of Audi also has more than 3 million followers. In this way, the brand uses its many accounts to address a large user base from diverse user segments. Audi uses its Facebook account mainly for brand promotion. Number of Facebook posts is limited to 3-4 a week.  Posts include videos, images and other forms of promotional content. Customer interactions and responses reflect Audi’s global popularity. The company does not interact much with users except a few responses on consumer complaints and complements. Customers’ responses show satisfaction, delight and excitement. Each post receives thousands of views and likes. Hundreds of comments and shares show a good level of interaction between the company and users.


Instagram is also an attractive social media platform for businesses. Companies can share images and videos through Instagram to successfully engage their customers and visitors. They can use it to connect with their customers through dialogues and communicate on a  variety of topics. You can grab important insights to manage the customer experience and promotional strategy better. Insights you generate from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Insta and other social media sites can be useful for creating and managing stronger customer relationships and better customer experiences.

Audi’s impact on Instagram is mind-blowing. It has 13 million followers and a very high level of engagement which signifies enormous reach and popularity. Audi’s engagement level is best on Insta and even higher than Facebook. It has made 1,861 posts and received hundreds of thousands of likes on each one. There are hundreds of responses on each from followers who cheer Audi and its latest models. Audi’s posts are mainly promotional but the company engages its users on a range of other topics too including technology, innovation, sustainability and driver safety. 


YouTube is a video sharing platform with millions of videos and a large crowd of users. It can help you find access to a large user base and engage them or promote your products using videos. Audi has around 350K subscribers on YouTube. The company mainly shares promotional videos. Several videos highlight product features and engage users on topics like sustainability and innovation.  Audi mainly uses the platform to showcase its large product range and inform its followers about latest arrivals. Exciting videos promote the new products and inform users about new products and technologies inside Audi’s cars.

Overall, Audi has used social media channels effectively for growing its marketing outreach. It uses these channels for promotions and to engage users on diverse topics like innovation, sustainability and business strategy. Audi has a creative social media marketing strategy. It uses its social media accounts for promotions, to build awareness on diverse topics and create the image of a responsible vehicle brand. It has  a large base of followers on most of these channels. However, the participation of its staff is absolutely minimum and mostly restricted to answering complaints. In terms of marketing and promotions, Audi’s social media marketing strategy is effective to a large extent.


Linked In is a platform for businesses, professionals and employment mainly. However, companies use it for branding and marketing and to engage a large crowd of professionals on topics like innovation, organisational culture, workforce management and business strategy. Audi AG’s follower base on Linked In is smaller than other social media channels. It has around half a million followers on Linked In. The company engages its followers on topics like innovation, strategy, HR management as well as passenger safety and emerging  technologies. The brand has engaged its followers well. The main focus of the Linked In strategy of Audi is branding and creating a strong image. Audi has tried to project itself as a responsible and innovative brand on Linked In. Businesses use Linked In to connect with a large audience made up of professionals. However, you will also find a large audience there interested in learning about your brand, your business and HR strategy and how to manage your workforce and culture. So, companies use Linked In to engage their audience on these aspects of business as well.


Twitter is among most popular social media platforms. It is also among the top choice of marketers. Its popularity as  a marketing platform has grown due to its effectiveness in terms of real time marketing.  You can run real time promotional campaigns and engage your customers through dialogues. Twitter is an attractive platform to promote content and to run weekly, monthly or seasonal campaigns. However, it is best for managing multimedia campaigns. You can share videos and images and other content that can spread in minutes like wild fire. 

Audi looks more active on Twitter than Facebook. It sends more regular tweets and retweets on Twitter than Facebook. It has used multiple accounts on Twitter just like Facebook. The official Twitter account of Audi USA has around 2 million followers. The posts show a nice level of engagement. Each post receives hundreds to thousands of likes as well as hundreds of retweets. Responses mainly show followers’ excitement. Most posts are promotional and promote products and events. The spotlight is mainly on speed, luxury and technological innovation.