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American Airlines Operating Expenses

The chart above displays the net operating expenses of American Airlines group from 2012 to 2022. In 2022, the operating expenses of the company increased to above the pre-2020 levels. AAG incurred $47,364 million in operating expenses in 2022 compared to $30,941 million in 2021. It also generated a positive net income of $127 million compared to a net loss of $1,993 million in the prior year. AAG’s net revenue climbed 63.9% in 2022 compared to the prior year.

The largest group of AAG’s operating expenses are its aircraft fuel expenses and related taxes followed by the expenses on salaries and wages. The company spent around $13.8 billion on aircraft fuel and related taxes in 2022, which was more than double its spending on the same in the prior year. It also spent around $13 billion on salaries, wages and benefits, which was around $1.2 billion higher compared to the prior year.

Operating expenses of American Airlines Group (AAG) 2012-2022

Amounts are in millions.

YearOperating Expenses (millions)

The total operating expenses of American Airlines Groupp (AAG) increased 11.5% or $3.18 billion in 2021 compared to the last year. AAG’s operating expenses for 2021 reached $30,941 million in 2021 compared to $27,758 million in 2020. The company incurred a net loss of $2 billion in 2021 compared to $8.9 billion in 2020.

Apart from HR expenses, the largest category of operating expenses of AAG are the aircraft fuel and related taxes.  Its aircraft fuel costs and related taxes in 2021 increased 99.6% compared to 2020. The company spent $6.8 billion on aircraft fuel and related taxes in 2021 compared to $3.4 billion in 2020.