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Amazon Revenue by Business Segment

Amazon’s business is divided into three main operating segments including North America operations, International operations and AWS. Based on net revenue, the North American operations of Amazon are its largest operating segment followed by International operations and AWS. In fiscal 2022, the company incurred operating losses from both its North America and International operations. Its total revenue from North America in 2022 reached $315.9 billion and $118 billion from international operations. The company incurred operating loss of $2.85 billion from North America operations and $7.75 billion from international operations. Its operating income from the AWS segment was $22.84 billion in 2022 and it was the only segment to generate a positive operating income.

Net Revenue of Amazon by business segment 2004-2022

Amounts are in millions.

YearNorth AmericaInternationalAWS
2017$1,06,110 $54,297 $17,459 
2016$79,785 $43,983 $12,219 
2015$63,708 $35,418 $7,880 
2014$50,834 $33,510 $4,644 
2013$41,410 $29,934 $3,108 
2012$34,813 $26,280  
2011$26,705 $21,372  
2010$18,707 $15,497  
2009$12,828 $11,681  
2008$10,228 $8,938  
2007$ 8,095 $6,740  
2006$  5,869 $4,842  
2005$ 4,711 $4,779  
2004$ 3,847 $ 3,074  

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is the leading e-commerce player as well as a major cloud business. The company has seen impressive growth in the sales and revenue of its cloud based services over the past few years. Its business is divided into three main segments – North America, International and AWS.

The above table shows how much revenue Amazon generated from each of them over the past several years.

2021: Amazon generated $279,833 million in net revenues from the North America segment in 2021 compared to $236,282 million in 2020. The ecommerce giant’s revenues from the international market remained $127,787 million in 2021 compared to $104,412 million in 2020. Its cloud business segment named AWS generated $62,202 million in net revenues in 2021 compared to $45,370 million in 2020. Amazon’s total net revenues in 2021 reached $469.822 billion compared to $386.064 billion in 2020.

2019: North America is the largest business segment of Amazon which accounted for around 61% of the company’s revenue in both 2018 and 2019. In 2019, the revenue of Amazon from the North America segment grew to $170.8 billion compared to $141.4 billion in 2018, yoy growth of around 20%. The International segment of Amazon generated $74.7 billion in net sales in 2019 compared to $65.9 billion in 2018, yoy growth of around 13%. The AWS revenue of Amazon also experienced sharp growth in 2019 compared to the previous year. AWS revenue of Amazon grew to $35 billion in 2019 compared to $25.65 billion in 2018, yoy growth of around 36.5%.  

2018: Amazon North America segment accounted for 61% of its net sales in FY 2018. The International segment of Amazon generated 28% of the company’s revenue and AWS accounted for 11%. Each of the there business segments has seen impressive growth in net sales as compared to 2017. AWS experienced 47% YoY growth. Amazon International experinced 21% YoY growth and Amazon North America 33% YoY growth. Conslidated net sales of Amazon experienced 31% YoY growth.

About Amazon:

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is the largest ecommerce brand as well as one of the leading cloud services brand. The company which was founded in 1994 has seen enormous growth over the last five years and has greatly extended its range of cloud based services. Amazon has its headquarters in Seattle, Washington, United States. The CEO of Amazon is Jeff Bezos. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the cloud services platform of Amazon. Amazon is also the largest R&D spender in the entire industry. The company has divided its business into three main segments that include Amazon North America, Amazon International and AWS.