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Alphabet Revenues by Geographical Region

The chart above displays the net revenue of Alphabet Inc (parent company of Google) by geography from 2019 to 2022. The largest geographic market of Alphabet is the United States, which alone accounted for $134.8 billion or around 48% of the company’s total net revenue for 2022. EMEA generated $82.06 billion in 2022 and APAC $47.02 billion. Alphabet generated $17 billion from the rest of Americas in fiscal 2022.

Revenues of Alphabet by Geographical Segment 2015 – 2022

Amounts are in millions.

YearUnited StatesEMEAAPACOther Americas Hedging Gains(losses)Total
2019$ 74,843$50,645$26,928$ 8,986$455 $ 161,857
2018$ 63,269$44,739$21,341$7,608 $(138)$136,957
2017$ 52,449$36,046 $16,235 $6,125 $110,855
2016$ 42,781$30,304 $12,559$4,628  $90,272 
2015$34,810$26,368$9,887$3,924 $74,989

In fiscal 2021, Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google generated $117,854 million from the United States market alone. Its net revenues from EMEA reached $79,107 million in 2021 compared to $55,370 million in 2020. The company generated $46,123 million from the APAC region in 2021 compared to $32,550 million in 2020. The company generated $14.4 billion from the rest of Americas, compared to $9.4 billion in 2020.

  • EMEA : Europe, Middle East and Africa.
  • APAC: Asia-Pacific.
  • Other Americas include Canada and Latin America.

The United States is the leading market of Alphabet Inc., accounting for the largest part of the company’s revenue (46% in 2019). In fiscal 2019, the revenue of Alphabet Inc. from the United States reached $74.84 billion compared to $63.27 billion in 2018.

EMEA is the second largest market of Alphabet Inc based on revenue share. In 2019, the revenue share of EMEA region in the total net revenue of Alphabet Inc. was 31%. Alphabet generated $50.65 billion revenue from the EMEA region in 2019 compared to $44.74 billion in 2018.

The APAC region accounted for 17% of the total revenue of Alphabet Inc in 2019 and other Americas 6%. Alphabet’s revenue from APAC region in fiscal 2019 was $26.93 billion compared to $21.34 billion in 2018. Other Americas generated $8.98 billion in 2019 compared to $7.6 billion in 2018.

About Alphabet:

Alphabet is the parent company of Google. It has its headquarters located at Mountain View California, United States.

Apart from its google search engine and advertising products, Alphabet offers a vast range of products including Cloud services and other services like Chrome Browser and Google Maps.

The CEO of Alphabet is Sundar Pichai. Alphabet’s main source of revenue if digital advertising followed by cloud services. It also owns YouTube and some other businesses that are collectively called Other Bets.