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Alphabet Revenue from United States

The chart above displays the annual net revenue of Google’s parent company Alphabet from the United States market. The United States is the single largest market for Google’s products and services. In 2022, Alphabet generated 48% of its total net revenues from the United States. Its US revenues in 2022 remained $134.814 billion or around $17 billion higher compared to the prior year.

Revenue of Alphabet from United States 2014 -2022 

Amounts are in Millions.

YearUS Revenues (Millions)
2018$ 63,269
2017$ 52,449
2016$ 42,781
2015$ 34,810
2014$ 29,482 

In fiscal 2021, Alphabet Inc generated $117,854 billion in net revenues from the United States market or 46% of its consolidated net revenues for the year.

In fiscal 2020, Alphabet generated $85,014 million in net revenues from the United states market or 47% of its consolidated net revenues for the year.

The United States is the leading geographical market of Alphabet accounting for around 46% of the company’s revenues in 2018 and 2019.

Revenue of Alphabet (google) grew around 18% from 2018 to 2019. In 209, the company generated $74,843 million in revenue from the United States compared to $63,269 million in 2018. 

The revenues of the company from the United States market grew to $63.3 Billion in 2018 from $52.45 Billion in 2017. US revenues grew by 21% in 2018 compared to the previous year.

About Alphabet:

Alphabet is the parent company of Google. It has its headquarters located at Mountain View California, United States.

Apart from its google search engine and advertising products, Alphabet offers a vast range of products including Cloud services and other services like Chrome Browser and Google Maps.

The CEO of Alphabet is Sundar Pichai. Alphabet’s main source of revenue if digital advertising followed by cloud services. It also owns YouTube and some other businesses that are collectively called Other Bets.