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Alibaba Group Segment Revenue

In the chart above, you can see the segment revenue of Alibaba group for 2022 in millions of US dollars.

Alibaba group segment revenue 2020-2022

The table below displays Alibaba group’s net sales by each operating segment from 2020 to 2022 in millions of RMBs ( includes segment-wise sales in US Dollars for 2022).

Segment202020212022(RMB)2022 (USD)
China commerce351,977501,683592,705$93,497
International Commerce33,91748,85161,078$9,635
Local Consumer services29,66035,44243,491$6,861
Cloud 40,30160,55874,568$11,763
Digital Media & enter.29,09431,18632,272$5,091
Innovation initiatives & others2,5292,3112,841$447

About Alibaba’s business and business segments:

Headquartered in Hangzhou China, Alibaba group is the largest ecommerce brand in China with impressive international presence. Its business is divided into the following segments:

  • China Commerce
  • International commerce
  • local consumer services
  • Cainiao
  • Cloud computing
  • Digital Media and entertainment
  • innovation initiatives and others

Its ecommerce business includes both wholesale and retail ecommerce. In 2022, buyers from 190 countries bought from the Alibaba.com website. Its local consumer services segment operates in two modes – to home and to destination. Its ‘to home’ business mainly comprises the Ele.me and Taoxianda. Ele.me is a leading on-demand delivery platform in China that enables consumers to order food and beverages, groceries, FMCG, flowers and pharmaceutical products. Taoxianda operates like Shopify allowing businesses to build an online presence and market themselves. Its ‘To Destination’ businesses include Amap, Fliggy and Koubei. Amap is a leading provider of online mobile digital map in China, Fliggy is a leading online travel platform and Koubei is Alibaba group’s restaurant and local services guide platform.

Cainiao is the logistics arm of Alibaba group that provides both domestic and international one stop logistics and supply chain management solutions.

Alibaba’s cloud segment includes Alibaba Cloud and Dingtalk. In 2021, Alibaba was the third largest provider of Infrastructure-as-a-service according to a Gartner report. The cloud segment of Alibaba is its second largest source of revenue after ecommerce.

The businesses that fall under the digital media and entertainment segment include Youku, Quark, Alibaba Pictures, and other platforms created by Alibaba like newsfeed and literature platforms. The company also develops, distributes and operates mobile games through Lingxi Games. Alibaba group has also opened the DAMO academy for its innovation initiatives.