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Samsung Personnel Costs

Samsung Personnel Costs 2010-2018

The following table shows the personnel costs (wages, salaries & Pension) of Samsung from 2010 to 2018. Sums are in Trillion Korean Won.

2018.22.7 Tr KRW0.96 Tr. KRW
2017.22.4 Tr KRW0.98 Tr KRW

As of 2017, Samsung employed  more than 3,20,000 people. Its total personnel costs amounted to 23.4 Trillion Korean won. Its expenses on ages and salaries were 22.4 trillion KRW in 2017 whereas pension costs touched 0.97 Trillion KRW. In 2016, its personnel costs including wages and salaries expenses and pension costs were 20.5 Trillion KRW. Personnel costs of Samsung have increased a lot. The brand has focused on its employees’ training, career development and creating a strong work culture.

About Samsung Electronics:

Samsung Electronics is an innovative South Korea based electronics company that deals in a broad range of products including Consumer electronics, IT & Mobile Communications, Device solutions semiconductor and Device solutions display. Samsung has a global presence and its operation network includes 217 worldwide operation hubs that include its headquarters in Suwon, South Korea. The brand also operates 15 Regional Offices in Korea, North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and other regions of the world. A leader in chip making and consumer electronics, the focus of Samsung is on sustainable innovation. Apart from that the brand has also brought a nice range of cyber security products and services to cater to the growing needs of cyber security. In the recent years, Samsung has enjoyed superior financial growth driven by growth in the sales of IT and mobile solution products, semi conductors and displays.  Recently it acquired Harman, a US based auto electronics and audio maker as well as Dacor, a  US based high end kitchen appliances maker. During the past two years, it has also made major investments in IoT. 


Samsung Annual Reports