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Mission and Vision of Linked In: An Analysis

Linked In Mission and Vision : An Analysis

The world’s largest network of professionals has more than 400 million members across 200 countries of the world.  The most accessible network of professionals is also most extensive. The motto of the  professional network is to connect people with the right opportunity. Members use the network to connect with the right opportunities and to advance their career and connect with the right companies. It has both free and premium products that are meant to help members find the best opportunities. The company was incorporated in March 2003 in Delaware.  One of the most well known brands of the social media world, Linked In is meant for professionals looking for better career opportunities. This is an analysis of its mission and vision statements and how the social media brand of professionals is helping people find better opportunities at no or low costs. The mission statement is the statement that expresses why a company exists and the product or service it offers. The vision statement on the other hand is like a vision for the tomorrow or the direction in which the company is trying to take itself in  future.

Mission of Linked In:

Our mission is to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. We believe that prioritizing the needs of our members is the most effective and, ultimately, the most profitable means to accomplish our mission and create long-term value for all stakeholders.

The mission of Linked In is expressed in the above words which is to connect the world’s professionals so they can find more success and productivity. The most prominent thing in the mission statement are the customers. The target customers of Linked In are the professionals. Customers are the most important stakeholders and addressing their needs is a priority for the professional network brand. However, it is not just meant to serve its members but serve them profitably and create value for them in the long term. In this way, there are two more things worth highlighting in its mission – profits for stakeholders and customers. Every business is here to create profits and long term value. However, it also exists to serve its customers and create superior value for the society.  Linked In’s mission  shows its focus on all these elements and throws light on how the brand is trying to create better value for its customers and other stakeholders in the long term. Employees and society are also important stakeholders that the brand can include in its mission statement.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. We believe our network’s ultimate potential is to develop the world’s first economic graph, a digital representation of the global economy. Manifesting this vision requires scaling across six key pillars: individuals in the workforce, companies, job opportunities, professional skills, higher education institutions, and professional knowledge. By operationalizing this vision, we believe LinkedIn can enable members to connect to opportunity at global scale.

Vision is a long term plan that  shows the direction in which a business is geared and how it is planning to grow in the near future. Linked In’s vision is to create job opportunities for all people on this earth. Linked In sees the global economy as one and believes it can realise its ultimate potential through the world’s first economic graph. This vision of Linked In is based on six important pillars that include more people in the workforce, more job opportunities, more companies on the earth, more skilled people, more higher education institutions and more professional knowledge. Linked In believes this vision can help it connect more members with opportunities at a global scale. A vision statement shows a brand’s path to the future. In Linked In’s vision you can see strategy and how it plans to achieve its potential. Other factors that Linked In can include in its vision are its financial future, its competition and more factors like Corporate social responsibility.


Linked In Annual Report 2015 – Form 10K