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Mission Statement of Bombardier: An Analysis

Bombardier is a leading maker of planes and trains. It operates in four primary segments – business aircraft, commercial aircraft, aerospace and engineering services and transportation.  The company provides efficient and sustainable transportation solutions.  The brand is a global leader in mobility and innovation. It produces some industry leading models of commercial and business aircrafts.  This is an analysis of the mission statement of Bombardier.  Like many other organizations, the company does not have different mission and vision statements. A mission statement is the reason that a company stands for. It defines what the company is working to achieve. However, a mission statement also guides strategy and everyday decision making inside an organization. It helps the managers with resource allocation and their everyday decisions.

Mission Statement:

“Our mission is to be the world’s leading manufacturer of planes and trains.

We are committed to providing superior value and service to our customers and sustained profitability to our shareholders by investing in our people and products.

We lead through innovation and outstanding product safety, efficiency and performance.

Our standards are high. We define excellence—and we deliver.”

Most important elements in the mission statement of Bombardier are its vision for the future to be at the top, its focus on customer and shareholder value, innovation and its high quality standards. As already mentioned, Bombardier does not have separate mission and vision statements. The mission statement is like a combined statement which apart from highlighting what the company does, also highlights its aspiration for the future. Bombardier makes aeroplanes, trains and transportation solutions. These things are highlighted in the first line of the mission statement where it also clarifies its vision of reaching the top in future. The mission statement of Bombardier also explains its commitment to creating superior value for its customers and shareholders.   It plans to invest in its people and products continuously which shows a focus on quality.

Other focus areas of the brand as highlighted in the mission statement are innovation, efficiency, product safety and performance. These factors highlight Bombardiers’ products, its direction and its commitment to innovation and quality. It highlights its customer orientation. However, the statement does not highlight who the customers are or how the competitive landscape is for the brand. The brand can be a little more specific about these factors in its mission statement. These factors are essential to guide strategy, resource allocation and everyday decision making at the company. Bombardier wants to be at the top in the industry, but how difficult the competitive landscape is has not been highlighted in its mission statement.

Apart from its mission statement, the company also has a promise statement which is as follows:

Promise Statement: The evolution of mobility is our brand promise. A promise to everyone.

The Evolution of Mobility is about creating better ways to move the world.

Transforming how millions of people get around every day, by train and by plane.

We take the lead, and we deliver.

We’re mobilizing the future in more than 60 different countries.

Investing in communities around the globe to break new ground.

After all, The Evolution of Mobility is all about what’s next.

This promise statement is focused at creating the brand image of a responsible and innovative brand. It expresses the brand’s focus on innovation and how the brand is mobilizing the future around the world.

The company is also committed to its core values which guide its everyday decision making and strategy execution.

Core Values:

Integrity: the brand is committed to ethical business and maintains integrity towards customers, shareholders, suppliers, colleagues, partners and communities.

Commitment to excellence: The brand is committed to excellence in all spheres of work and maintains an environment of self discipline, perseverance and team spirit.

Customer Orientation: The company promotes a customer centered culture where the focus is at serving the customers better.

Shareholder focus: The company is also committed to creating shareholder value through profitable and excellent management of its business.

These are the fundamental values that drive the business of bombardier.
