Home » International Markets with largest number of Walmart Stores

International Markets with largest number of Walmart Stores

Walmart is a US based retail brand known for its every-day low prices. Apart from being the leading retailer of US, it has also maintained an impressive presence outside the country. In some of its leading international markets, the company has partnered local retail brands whereas in some it has just acquired a large and controlling stake in a local physical retail or e-commerce brand.

In the recent years, it has enjoyed sharp growth in revenue as well as number of stores and rise in free cashflow. The company is investing in e-commerce to grow its sales and customer base. Walmart’s focus has always remained on lowest prices and best in class customer service. It has a large a global supply and distribution chain. The retailer has also made shopping more convenient for its customers by bringing special shopping and shipment facilities.

Learn more about the international markets with the highest number of Walmart Stores.

Mexico: Mexico is the first international market of Walmart. The company entered the Mexico market in 1991. In 1997, Walmart acquired a large and controlling stake in Cifra and changed its name to Walmart De Mexico or Walmex in 2000. In 2018, it acquired corner-shop which is a leading online marketplace in Mexico for on demand delivery from supermarkets, pharmacies and specialty food retailers in Mexico as well as Chile. Walmart uses four main formats in Mexico which are Superama, Walmart, Bodega Aurrera as well as Sam’s Club. Superama is a leading Mexican Supermarket that offers a large variety of pantry products and Bodega Aurrera is Walmart’s discount store format in Mexico and Central America. Total number of Walmart retail units in Mexico as of January 2019 was 2,442. This is the second highest number of Walmart retail stores in any market after USA. Number of Walmart retail units by each format in Mexico are as follows:

  • Bodega Aurrera Express -1,026.
  • Bodega Aurrera – 520.
  • Mi Bodega Aurrera – 364.
  • Walmart Supercenter – 274.
  • Sam’s Club – 163.
  • Superama – 95.

United Kingdom: United Kingdom is also a leading market of Walmart with more than 600 stores. Walmart grew its position stronger in UK by acquiring Asda, a local retail brand in 1999. Since then Asda has grown to become the second leading supermarket of Britain. Walmart and Sainsbury’s of Britain proposed to combine Sainsbury’s and Asda in 2018 for creating the largest grocery chain, general merchandise and clothing retail groups of UK. The main formats of Walmart in UK are Asda Supercenters, Superstores, Supermarkets and Asda living. The total number of Walmart retail units in UK was 633 in 2018. The number of retail units by format are as follows:

  • Asda Superstore – 341.
  • Asda Supermarket – 209.
  • Asda Living – 33.
  • ASDA Supercentre – 32.
  • Asda Petrol Fueling Station – 18.

China: – With more than 400 Walmart retail stores, China is also among the leading markets of Walmart. It is the world’s second largest economy and offers major opportunities for retail brands. Walmart has tried to make the best of this opportunity. Its China operations started in 1996 when the company opened its first Sam’s club and Super-center in Shanzhen. Walmart has a global sourcing office and a global e-commerce headquarters in China. Apart from that the company also operates a large number of stores under several formats and banners. In 2016, it entered into a partner ship with JD.com which is the largest e-commerce company of China to create a powerful combination of e-commerce and physical retail and serve consumers in China better. The total number of stores in China is 433 and it includes the following:

  • Walmart Supercenter – 412
  • Sam’s Club – 23
  • Neighborhood Market – 8

Canada:- The Canada business of Walmart started in 1994. Its headquarters are in Mississauga, Ontario.  The two store formats through which the company sells to its customers in Canada are supercenters and discount stores. the total number of Walmart retail stores in Canada as of Jan 2019 was 411 out of which 339 were Supercenters and 72 discount stores.

Japan: – Japan is also a leading market of Walmart. The company entered the Japanese market by buying a small stake in a local retail brand. Then it sequentially acquired it till its complete acquisition of Seiyu in 2008. The company had started with acquisition of a small 6.1% stake in Seiyu in 2002. Seiyu became a wholly owned subsidiary of Seiyu in 2008. The total number of Walmart Stores in Japan is 332 which includes the following:

  • Seiyu (Supermarket) – 236
  • Seiyu (Hypermarket) – 88
  • Livin – 7
  • Seiyu (General Merchandise) – 1

Chile: – Chile is also a leading market for Walmart with more than 370 stores. Walmart acquired a large stake in Distribución y Servicio D&S S.A., Chile’s leading food retailer in 2009. The headquarters of Walmart Chile are in Santiago. The brand operates various formats of stores including  hypermarkets, supermarkets and Ekono convenience stores. There are total 371 Walmart stores in Chile which include the following :-

  • Ekono – 60
  • Superbodega Acuenta – 116
  • Lider Express – 96
  • Lider Hiper – 91
  • Central Mayorista – 8