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Hyundai Social Media Strategy

A Fresh look at Social Media Strategy of Hyundai Motors

Hyundai is among the largest and most renowned global brands of automobiles.  The brand has continued to retain its focus on technological innovation which has led to faster growth in the recent years. The automotive brand has built excellent manufacturing capabilities. Its popularity in the Asian markets is very high which has led to higher sales there. Hyundai has also managed a global and extensive supply chain and distribution network which is a source of competitive advantage for it. Based on its extraordinary capabilities, the brand has continued to perform well even in the face of heavy competition. Competition is an important factor affecting sales and profits in the vehicle industry. It is why companies are investing more than ever in research and development as well as marketing.

In 2017, Hyundai spent 2460 Billion Korean Won on advertising and promotions. However, apart from the other channels of marketing, Hyundai also uses social media to actively engage its audience and to promote its products.  Social media has become one of the main channels of marketing for large and global brands in this age. Whether it is paid promotions or to just engage the audience in a dialogue on social media, brands are using social media in unprecedented ways to remain connected with their audience. Hyundai also uses the various social media networks and mainly the big four – Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram for promotions. It uses a variety of promotional techniques including events which are promoted through social media. The company also runs other forms of social media campaigns from time to time.

Here is an analysis of how Hyundai is using social media channels for its marketing and promotions as well as customer engagement.


Facebook is the  main battle ground for social media marketers from where they coordinate a major part of their social media marketing strategy. This social media platform has the largest active audience of all the networks. It is why social media marketers love it the most of all. Several vehicle brands use more than one Facebook account for marketing their brand and products. Hyundai also uses several Facebook accounts for different markets. Asia is a major market for Hyundai and it is why the brand has built a separate account for the Indian market. The Hyundai India account has got the highest number of followers at higher than 10 million. Apart from that  its Hyundai worldwide account has got higher than 4.7 million followers. This shows wide reach and high popularity. Hyundai uses its Facebook accounts for marketing and promotions as well as customer engagement and customer service. The social media managers of Hyundai use the Facebook account to connect with their audience and engage them in active dialogues. Users make comments and enquiries through Facebook. Some ask about the upcoming models, some have complaints and other may be feeling excited about the Hyundai products they have bought. However, Hyundai can use its Facebook account even better to generate higher customer satisfaction and in this regard it  must learn from the other great social media marketers like Starbucks. First it needs to focus on higher user engagement through more personalized responses on social media. The focus must be on creating highest user satisfaction. Facebook has got several great features which when utilized  fully, can be highly effective in terms of customer retention. It is most suited for running social media campaigns where a brand can attract millions. Hyundai uses its Facebook account to churn excitement by running social media campaigns. Recently, it ran a Super September campaign which brought several offers for its customers on its various products.


Twitter is another great social media platform for marketing. Most social media marketers use it to propagate their message and achieve their marketing objectives. It has also got a large social audience and some unique advantages in terms of marketing. Hyundai has several Twitter accounts dedicated to its various markets and countries from Canada to India and UK. The brand has a large umber of followers on Twitter too. However, compared to Facebook, the number of followers on Twitter is much smaller.  Hyundai India is the one account with the largest number of followers on Twitter.  There are around 731 K followers of Hyundai in its Hyundai India account. the brand uses its twitter account mainly for promotional purposes. It uses a variety of promotional techniques to promote its products and brand. Apart from various kinds of events, Facebook promotes its individual products and their features on twitter. It also ran a social media campaign recently called Super September celebrating 20 years of Hyundai. As a part of this campaign the brand has brought various offers for its customers. The brand uses events involving cinema celebrities for promotions of its product. This technique has often been find to be highly effective in terms of promotions even on social media since it offers exposure to a very large group of fans including the brand’s and the celebrity’s.


Instagram has also grown into a major social media network since it offers attractive features for media sharing as well as commenting and engaging  audience through dialogues. It is why marketers flock to this network in very large numbers. While Instagram is mainly about photosharing, it also allows to share videos as well as connect with users and talk to them. Hyundai like Facebook and Twitter has cerated several accounts in Instagram too. Instagram has some highly attractive features, one of which is the album like look and feel. This allows any brand to showcase its photos and video with ease. While users can like and share they can also comment and communicate with the brand. Social media managers of Hyundai try to engage users on this platform too through communication. While Hyundai is doing a good job in this area, it must make conversations slightly less formal and more targeted to engage their customers even effectively.


As the  video marketing trends have grown, YouTube has also become a favorite of social media marketers for marketing and promotions. On this platform too, Hyundai has used several accounts to connect with its fans and followers.  Its Hyundai India account has the highest number of followers at more than 600K. the brand has uploaded 630 videos in this account. India is a major market for Hyundai and that’s why also a  central focus of its social media marketing strategy. While most brands including Hyundai do not use the platform for customer service, it is still an attractive platform for customer engagement. Apart from promotional videos, customer service videos can also be uploaded to YouTube to guide the customers. It can help you gain very high level of exposure through marketing videos. Several of Hyundai’s promotional videos have received millions of views on YouTube which also proves the level of reach that can be achieved through this network. Hyundai uses video marketing actively for promotion in the Indian market and most of its promotional videos have movie celebs promoting its products.


The overall, social media marketing strategy of Hyundai is attractive. However, it can bring more depth a and achieve higher level of engagement through its social media channels. the same networks can be utilized to engage the users in discussion and conversation more efficiently. This is an important function of social media that large brands must not fail to utilize.



Hyundai Social media accounts