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Google revenue from YouTube Advertising

The chart above displays the revenue Google generated from advertising on its video sharing platform, YouTube. Google’s YouTube revenue has climbed faster in recent years. In 2021, it grew by $9 billion compared to 2020. In 2022, the search giant generated $29.24 billion from YouTube advertising.


Google (NASDAQ: GOOGL) delivered strong revenue growth in 2021. Net revenue of Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google reached $257.6 billion, 41% growth compared to the previous year. 

According to the company CFO, Ruth Porat, Google is now disclosing its revenue on a more granular basis including for Search, YouTube ads and Cloud. The non-advertising revenue of Google has also grown fast over the previous three years.

Check out Google’s revenue from the YouTube ads from the following table:

Amounts are in millions.

YearYouTube Revenue (millions)
2017$ 8,150

From 2020 to 2021, Google’s revenues from YouTube ads grew by $9 billion. Its revenues from YouTube reached $28.8 billion from $19.8 billion in 2020.

2020: In 2020, its revenues from YouTube had grown by around $4.6 billion, reaching  $19.8 billion from $15.15 billion in 2019.  

2019: The revenue of Google from YouTube ads grew by around $4 billion from 2018 to 2019, reaching $15.15 billion from $11.16 billion. During the last quarter of 2019, the company generated $4.72 billion from YouTube ads compared to $3.6 billion during the same period in 2018. Google’s net revenue from advertising grew to $134.8 billion in 2019 compared to $116.5 billion in 2018. 

About Google:

Google is the leading search engine in the world with the largest market share. Its core source of revenue is digital advertising where it leads the industry. The parent company of Google is Alphabet which also operates other businesses (collectively termed as other bets) apart from Google. Google is the largest business segment of Alphabet which has enjoyed revenue growth from cloud as well as YouTube ads in recent years. The company has its headquarters in Mountain View, California, United States. The CEO of Alphabet is Sundar Pichai. Google was founded on 4th September, 1998 at Menlo Park, California, United States. The head office of Google at Mountainview, California, is known as Googleplex.