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Google Revenue by Business Segment

The chart above displays the total revenue generated by Google (Alphabet’s Google segment) from advertising and non-advertising sources (including cloud) from 2015 to 2022. In 2022, Alphabet’s Google segment generated total $279.808 billion in net revenue which included $224.473 billion from advertising and $55.335 billion from the non-advertising sources. The non advertising revenue of Google included $26.28 billion from Google Cloud and $29.055 billion other sources. Alphabet’s total revenue of $282.836 billion included $279.8 billion from the Google segment only and the rest from Other Bets and hedging gains. Over the previous three years, Google has experienced impressive increase in both its advertising and non-advertising revenues.

Revenues of Google by business segment 2015-2022 

Amounts are in millions.

The table below shows Alphabet Inc’s revenue from the Google segment only.

YearAd revenues (millions)Other revenues (millions)Total (millions)
2017$95,577 $14,970$110,547 
2016$79,383 $10,601 $ 89,984
2015$67,390$7,154 $74,544

2021: In 2021, Alphabet, the parent company of Google generated $256.74 billion from the Google segment including $209.5 billion in ad revenues and $47.24 from other sources including Google cloud. Alphabet’s total net revenues in 2021 reached $257.64 billion compared to $182.53 billion in the previous year. Alphabet’s total revenues also includes revenues from other bets and hedging gains, apart from the Google segment revenues.

Most of Alphabet’s revenues (99.6% in 2018) come from Google segment. Google generates most of its revenues from advertising and a smaller proportion from other sources that include sales of apps, in-app purchases, digital content products, and hardware; and licensing and service fees, including fees for Google Cloud offerings. 

Google generated total $160,743 million in revenues in 2019 of which $134,811 million came from advertising and $25,932 million from the other sources including Google cloud.

Google generated total $136,362 millions in revenues in 2018 of which $116,461 million came from advertising and $19,901 million from other sources.

Alphabet also generates revenues from its other smaller businesses which are classified as other bets.

About Google:

Google is the leading search engine in the world with the largest market share. Its core source of revenue is digital advertising where it leads the industry. The parent company of Google is Alphabet which also operates other businesses (collectively termed as other bets) apart from Google. Google is the largest business segment of Alphabet which has enjoyed revenue growth from cloud as well as YouTube ads in recent years. The company has its headquarters in Mountain View, California, United States. The CEO of Alphabet is Sundar Pichai. Google was founded on 4th September, 1998 at Menlo Park, California, United States. The head office of Google at Mountainview, California, is known as Googleplex.