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CISCO Mission and Vision Analysis

Mission and Vision of Cisco: An Analysis

                                                                                                          CISCO Mission and Vision Analysis

In its more than 30 years of existence, CISCO has seen a lot of growth and expansion. In this span of time, it has acquired several other brands whose number is more than 150. Currently, it is among the best networking solutions provider and a financially strong brand. The foundation of the company was laid in 1984. However, long after its founders left the company, it has continued to grow and expand at an impressive rate. Strategy and  planning have played a very important role in this regard. CISCO provides a large array of products and services that are relevant to company’s IT needs. One important thing about  CISCO is its customer focus. The brand has sustained its focus on customer needs since its foundation and  has brought several new and innovative products that cater to the clients’ data security, and other communication related needs.

If the business has seen overwhelming growth then it is because of the great strategy it employed. CISCO acquires new companies that  bring new technologies, talent, business models and other innovative features. However, before integrating them to its original business model, CISCO ensures that the brand fits with its complete picture. It requires matching the organizational and cultural values as well as aligning strategy, skills and talent. CISCO is an expert at integration and also advises other companies with strategic acquisitions for success. Any company’s mission and vision play an important role in its growth and operations.

It is because they do not just set the future direction of the brand but also set the rules of the game. The organization follows the rules in its everyday operations. Several times, these rules are not so elaborate and clearly laid out but can still be found operational in a brand’s everyday business, its values, style and culture. Time to time businesses  also revise their mission and vision statements to respond to the changing market situation and customer demands. Moreover, a shift becomes essential when the brand feels that it is drifting away from its goals. Below is an analysis of the mission and vision statements of  analysis:

Mission Statement of Cisco:

Shape the future of the Internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners.

The mission statement of CISCO is short and not very specific. There are two parts of the mission statement. The first part is about shaping the future of the internet. CISCO deals in products related to connectivity and communications.  The second part is about creating unprecedented value for all the stakeholders. However, the mission statement is not detailed or specific in any of the two parts. It makes a generic statement about its business in the first part and then about creating value for the stakeholders in the second.  Apart from being specific, it has to be feasible.

CISCO does not make any clear statement over how it is going to achieve its mission. The mission statement does not clarify anything about the goals, market position, customers and social responsibility of the brand. Instead, it just makes a simple and short statement that gives a faint indication of what it intends to do. There is no information about its products or who its customers are. A mission statement states the objective of the brand and  what its purpose of existence is. CISCO’s mission statement must provide information about its target market and its products. It must be specific and clear enough to guide day to day decisions and actions inside the organization.

Vision Statement of CISCO:

Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play, and Learn.

The vision statement of CISCO has grown totally outdated and will need to be changed. It states no clear future position for the brand. It is also difficult to relate it with the brand’s purpose. A vision statement provides guidance on how the brand can continue to move into its future. CISCO’s Vision statement talks of anything but the future. It does not say anything about its employees, customers or even the business. From market size to market position or other things, it does not provide the faintest inkling of how CISCO plans to grow its business.

CISCO plans to change the way people live, work, play and learn. the question is how it aims to accomplish its goals.  It must express how the business plans to achieve  further growth and benefit its stakeholders including customers,  employees and environment. Its vision statement also lacks specificity among other factors. At least  CISCO must relate the vision with its core business and future direction.


CISCO’s mission and vision statements are lacking in several regards. They are short statements of one line each. They fail to paint a complete picture and provide only a limited glimpse of CISCO’s present and future. They do not provide clear guidance over management and resource allocation either. The two statements are only a faint glimmer of the entire business. CISCO’s business is bigger. It is about solving bigger problems related to IT and communication that  its clients face.

The mission and vision do not reflect several things including market position, market size, customer orientation, financial value etc to the extent that they should. The two statements are short and not as specific as required. CISCO, if it revises its mission and vision must include other aspects of its business that are important like its commitment to its customers,  its stakeholders, CSR efforts, its future direction and other things that affect its business, management and future.