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Apple Marketing strategy

Marketing Secrets of Apple

Apple is known not just for its unequalled products but also for its matchless marketing strategy. For years continuously, it has been voted as one of the top most marketers of the world. Known most for product quality, Apple is equally good at marketing. A strong marketing strategy has several aspects. Seen from any angle, Apple’s strategy looks flawless. Most of the channels Apple uses are the same as its rivals. Still, the way it uses them makes the real difference. Apple’s marketing strategy is differentiated at various points. Undoubtedly, product quality is its strongest point, however not the only strong point. Dig deeper and there are bigger and better facts to know about its marketing strategy. Every Apple product is marketed at its best. This kind of focus on marketing is worth appreciation. Here is more about Apple’s strategy.

  1. Be ready to hypnotize –

This is how Apple does it. It is not just about utility but also about aesthetic beauty. Apple has proved it in its newest models. It hypnotizes with its products’ charm. These products are like fashion. You can wear and flaunt them with pride. There is a kind of permanence about their beauty. These products have an aesthetic appeal that does not reduce with time. Apple does not focus on just technology. It complements technology with beauty and style. It does it strategically. Still, the focus is not on just profits. The aim rather is to win hearts. However, Apple’s beauty is not just skin deep. Inside at the core,  these products are packed with best in class technology

Its products are unmatched in aesthetic beauty. This has several advantages. However, there is one key thing about Apple. Its products are meant for everyone. Whether a teenager or a middle aged, both can have an iphone and it matches their style. Apple’s standards of product quality are superior to others. These standards include making the most charming products. Every Iphone, Ipad or Ipod has got a very unique charm. These products are like beautiful accessories that do not go out of style or run out of charm. Apple’s hypnotism works. Its fans know they can always expect more of it.

  1. Be mindful of quality:

Complement your marketing strategy with product quality. All the marketing hype fails if a product is flawed. Apple cares for quality. Every Apple product is as feature rich as  it is eye catching. It catches attention by the looks and sustains it by the features. At the core of the Apple products is technology. Apple ensures that its products’ have mind blowing features. Quality for it also means utility. Apple products have features that both students and professionals can use.

Iphone 6s takes the best photos. There are so many cool apps on it. Selfies are always better with Iphone. When Apple makes a product, it creates a complete experience. Moreover, every Apple experience is a mind-blowing experience. This is a proof of dedication to service. Apple and its products are a testimony to its customer orientation. They are intelligent and intuitive devices. At last, Apple scores in every area.

  1. Build an ecosystem of compatible products:

The intercompatibility of Apple products is also a part of its marketing strategy. Apple has designed an ecosystem of compatible products. Their incompatibility with others ensures superior value. In this way, Apple sacrifices smaller profits to achieve the bigger ones. The most important benefit achieved is that of differentiation. This strategy has provided Apple with a  distinct position.

Both hardware and software from Apple are designed keeping in mind compatibility of features. These products provide some unique benefits. These unique benefits are valued by Apple customers. It also ensures customer loyalty. A Mac buyer would also like having a compatible phone or music player. So, in a way Apple’s incompatibility with the other products ensures a consistent Apple experience.

  1. Be ready for small sacrifices:

Apple has proved that it can make sacrifices to maintain its products’ uniqueness. When it brought its Ipod Nano, it dropped Mini. Mini used to be a best seller, still it was dropped. This is a part of Apple’s strategy. Keep innovating to make customers happier. There is some competition between iphone and ipod. Since both devices can play music, ipod’s sales are threatened by the iphone. Anyone would like to have the gadget that has more features.

However, such small sacrifices prove Apple’s creativity. Any other company would not ordinarily release competing products. Apple did it. Most companies do not find it something very shrewd to do. However, Apple has chosen to go the other way. The important thing is standard. For Apple, standards come first. Its most important standard is the customer. Customer’s need and preferences come first.

  1. Media hype:

This can also be considered the other side of brand advantage. Each of Apple products becomes news much before it is released. Media has always proved the best advertising channel for Apple. Each of its products gets its deserved share of coverage prior to release. The media buzz also includes the thousands of websites and other channels which popularize Apple products. Each of them covers Apple products like a sensational news story. Media ensures Apple products become the buzz of the town before their release. It is because media knows how eagerly the fans await news on these products.

  1. Be imaginative:

All of the above tactics were mainly related to the products. However, Apple also spends on advertising. If anything it relies upon in advertising, then that is imagination. Its use of imagination in advertising has kept it distinct from its competitors. Whether it is the super bowl advertising of Mac or that of the iphone, Apple has always proved itself ahead of the industry. Apple ads are best in terms of creative imagination.

There are many elements in Apple’s marketing strategy. Some are traditional tactics but less focused by the competitors. Rest are innovative techniques used to create a distinct experience.  Its ecosystem of compatible products provides a consistent experience. Still, a key reason that Apple is a great marketer is for its focus on consistency. Apple pays attention to all elements in its marketing strategy. The degree of focus on customer experience Apple showed is not possible for others. If anything, then the competitors must try to imitate its creative imagination.


