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Apple Inc Number of Employees

The following chart shows the approximate number of full time employees working for Apple from 2015 to 2022 in thousands. In 2022, there were approximately 164,000 full time employees working for Apple.

Number of Employees at Apple Inc 2000-2022


2022: In 2022, the number of full time employees working for Apple was approximately 164,000.

2021: The number of employees working for Apple Inc grew to 154,000 in 2021 compared to 147,000 in 2020.

2020: There were approximately 147,000 employees working for Apple Inc in 2020 compared to 137,000 in 2019.

2019: In 2019, the number of full time equivalent employees at Apple Inc grew to 137,000 compared to 132,000 in 2018.


Human Capital Management at Apple:

Apple had 154,000 employees (approximately) at the end of September 2021 working for the company. The technology industry has grown highly competitive and businesses are investing heavily in recruitment and retention of their human resources. Here are the key focus areas for Apple in terms of Human resource management:

Workplace practices and policies:

Apple is committed to providing its employees a harassment free work environment. Any type of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,national origin, disability, veteran status, caste or other legally protected characteristic at Apple Inc is prohibited.  The company is committed to inclusion and diversity.

Compensation and benefits:

Apple offers its employees equitable and competitve compensation.

Employee growth and development: 

Apple invetss in tools and resources that drive individual growth and development of its employees. It also offers classes and seminars that enable employees to critically and creatively think about organizational culture and values.

Inclusion and diversity:

The company is committed to inclusion and diversity in all aspects of human  resource management from recruitment to training and performance management. It also invests in maintaining an inclusive culture and ensuring equitable payment for employees.

Employee engagement: 

Employee engagement is key to the development and growth of employees and improved performance. Apple has focused on creating a collaborative work environment and allows open and honest communciation between team members, managers and leadership. Managers listen to concerns and recrive feedback from employees regularly. The company conducts surveys to know  about employee satisfaction in areas like career development, manager performance and inclusivity.

Employee health and well being:

Apple is also committed to providing its employees a hazard free and safe work environment. It is committed to employee protection throughout its operations globally. It provides its employees the necessary training. Apple has also put specific programs in place for its employees working in potentially high-hazard environments, including chemical management, laser safety, equipment and machinery safety, hazardous materials management and electrical safety. It took additional safety measures for its employees during the COVID-19 pandemic including providing information resources, necessary personal protective equipment like face mask, testing, and case support.