Home » African American Civilian Non-institutional Population

African American Civilian Non-institutional Population

African American Civilian Non-institutional Population 1990-2018.

Civilian non institutional population is the total civilian population minus the institutional population and the Armed Forces.  In United States, total Civilian non-institutional population grew to 257.8 million in 2018 from 255.1 million last year. African-American population is a major part of the entire civilian non institutional population. Out of the total 257.8 million civilian non-institutional population, the African American civilian non-institutional population was 32.8 million or 12.7%. African American people are also a major share of the US labor force with a labor force participation rate of 62.3%.

Check out the size of the African American (Black) civilian non-institutional population (16yrs or older) of United States from the following table from 1990-2018. The figures are in thousands.

[table id=423 /]


United States Department of Labor

Bureau of Labor Statistics