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HPE Revenue by Business Unit

The chart above displays HPE’s net revenue from each of its business segments for 2022 in millions of US dollars.

HPE has divided its business operations into six main segments that include compute, HPC & AI, Storage, Intelligent edge, financial services and corporate investments and others. Compute is the largest business segment based on net revenue followed by storage and intelligent edge. In fiscal 2022, the company experienced a total 2.6% growth in its net revenue compared to the prior year. HPE generated total $28,496 million in net revenue in 2022 compared to $27,784 million in 2021.

The largest business segment of HPE -compute – generated total $12,742 million in net revenue in 2022 compared to $12,292 million in the prior year. HPE experienced a decline in its net revenue from the financial services and corporate investment segments in 2022 versus the previous year. Its revenue from the HPC & AI segment remained flat in 2022 compared to the previous year at $3.19 billion. However, HPE’s net revenue from the storage segment increased by $52 million in 2022 compared to 2021.

Revenue of HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprises) by business units 2016-2022

Amounts in millions.

Business Segment2019202020212022
HPC & AI$2,983$3,105$3,188$3,192
Intelligent edge$2,913$2,855$3,287$3,674
Financial Services$3,581$3,352$3,401$3,339
Corporate investments & other$1,288$1,298$1,356$1,255
Total segments net revenue$29,750$26,982$27,784$28,496

2021: In fiscal 2021, HPE generated total $27,784 million in net sales compared to $26,982 million in the prior year. The company generated $12,292 million in net sales from its largest business segment – Compute – in 2021 compared to $12,285 million in the prior year. Its storage segment generated total $4,763 million in net sales in 2021 compared to $4,685 million in 2020. HPE also experienced growth in net sales across financial services segment and Intelligent Edge in 2021 compared to the previous year. Its total net sales in the Intelligent Edge segment remained $3,287 million in 2021 compared to $2,855 million in 2020. Financial services generated total $3,401 million in net sales in 2021 compared to $3,352 million in 2020.

2020: In 2020, HPE experienced a significant decline in its total net sales compared to the prior year. Its total net sales in 2020 remained $26,982 million compared to $29,750 million in 2019. Its revenue increased in the HPC and AI segment but almost all other segments experienced a decline in total net sales. The company generated total $12,285 million in net sales from the compute segment in 2020 compared to $13,730 million in 2019. The HPC & AI segment generated total $3,105 million in 2020 compared to $2,983 million in 2019. In the storage segment revenue declined to $4,685 million in 2020 compared to $5,255 million in 2019. The net sales of HPE in the Intelligent Edge segment remained total $2,855 million compared to $2,913 million in the previous year. HPE’s financial services segment generated total $3,352 million in 2020 compared to $3,581 million in 2019.

YearHybrid ITIntelligent EdgeFinancing ServicesCorporate InvestmentsTotal
2018$ 25,033$ 2,929$ 3,671  $ (1) $ 31,632
2017$ 23,627 $ 2,584$ 3,602  $ 3 $ 29,816
2016$ 25,102$ 2,674  $ 3,190 $ 594 $ 31,560