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Dell Segmentwise Revenue

In fiscal 2023, Dell experienced growth in its net sales from the Infrastructure solutions group segment compared to the previous year. The company generated total $102,301 in consolidated net revenue in 2023 compared to $101,197 million in 2022. Its revenue from ISG segment remained $38,356 million in 2023 compared to $34,366 million in 2022. The net sales of dell technologies in 2023 from the CSG group remained $58,213 million compared to $61,464 million in 2022. The other businesses of Dell technologies generated $5,721 million compared to $5,388 million in 2022.

Segmentwise Revenue of Dell technologies 2015-2023.

Amounts are in $millions.

2021$33,002$48,387 $5,382 $86,670
2020$34,367$45,855 $4,823 84,815 

Dell spun off VMware in November 2021. Its net revenue from the ISG group in fiscal 2022 was $34.4 billion compared to $33 billion in 2021. The company generated $61.5 billion in net sales from the CSG group in fiscal 2022 compared to $48.4 billion in 2021. 

Apart from the above data, there was the impact of purchase accounting of $(32) million and unallocated transactions of $11 million in 2021.

YearISG ($m)CSG ($m)VMWare ($m)
2019$ 36,720$ 43,196$ 9,741
2018$ 30,917$ 39,218$ 8,485
2017$ 22,070$ 36,509$ 3,543
2016$ 14,978$ 35,877 
2015$ 14,714$ 39,634 

Dell Technologies is organized into the following business units, which are its reportable segments: Infrastructure Solutions Group; Client Solutions Group; and VMware.

ISG group’s revenue fell in 2020 compared to the previous year. It generated $34 billion in net revenue in fiscal 2020 compared to $36.7 billion in 2019. The CSG group experienced a 6% net growth in its annual net revenue in fiscal 2020 compared to the previous year. Its net revenue reached $45.84 billion in 2020 compared to $43.2 billion in 2019. Dell’s revenue from VMware grew by 12% in 2020 compared to the previous year. VMware generated $10.9 billion in net revenue in 2020 compared to $9.74 billion in 2019.

Client Solutions group is the largest reportable segment of Dell technologies which accounted for $43.2 billion in revenue in 2019 and $39.22 billion in 2018.

Infrastructure Solutions group is the second-largest reportable segment based upon revenue. This segment generated $36.7 billion in revenue in fiscal 2019 and $30.9 billion in revenue in 2018. VMware is the smallest segment that generated $9.1 billion in revenue in 2019.

About Dell Technologies:

Dell Technologies is a leading technology brand that offers a comprehensive range of IT hardware, software, and services solutions. Apart from a wide range of laptops and desktops, the company also offers multi-cloud and big data solutions. The company has divided its business into two segments, including the Infrastructure solutions group, and Client Solutions group. It spun off VMWare in November 2021.

The company has its headquarters in Round Rock, Texas, United States. The net revenue of Dell Technologies grew to $101.2 billion in 2022 compared to $86.7 billion in 2021.

Its gross margin for fiscal 2022 was $21.9 billion compared to $20.1 billion in 2021.