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Dell Net Revenue

The chart above presents the consolidated net revenue of Dell Technologies from 2015 to 2023 in millions of US dollars.

The consolidated net revenue of Dell Technologies in 2023 increased by 1% compared to the previous year. Its total net sales for 2023 remained $102,301 million compared to $101,197 million in the prior year.

Net Revenues of Dell Technologies 2015-2023

Amounts are in $millions.

YearNet Revenues ($m)
2019$ 90,621
2018$ 79,040
2017$ 62,164
2016$ 50,911
2015$ 54,142

Dell Technologies is a leading global end-to-end technology provider, with a comprehensive portfolio of IT hardware, software and service solutions spanning both traditional infrastructure and emerging, multi-cloud technologies.

2021: The net revenues of Dell Technologies in fiscal 2022 grew 17% compared to the previous year. Its 2022 net revenues were $101.2 billion compared to $86.7 billion in 2021. Dell’s revenue from products increased by 18% whereas services revenue increased by 13% in 2022 compared to last year. Its product revenue remained $79.83 billion in fy 2022 against $67.74 billion in 2021. The services revenue of Dell grew to $21.4 billion in 2022 from $18.93 billion in 2021.

2019: The Net Revenue of Dell Technologies Inc. grew to $90.6 billion in fiscal 2019 from $79 billion in 2018.

About Dell Technologies:

Dell Technologies is a leading technology brand that offers a comprehensive range of IT hardware, software, and services solutions. Apart from a wide range of laptops and desktops, the company also offers multi-cloud and big data solutions. The company has divided its business into three segments, including the Infrastructure solutions group, Client Solutions group, and VMWare.

The company has its headquarters in Round Rock, Texas, United States. The net revenue of Dell Technologies grew to $101.2 billion in fiscal 2022 compared to $86.7 billion in 2021. Its gross margin for fiscal 2022 was $21.9 billion compared to $20.1 billion in 2021. Dell Technologies’ net income from continuing operations in fiscal 2022 grew to $4.9 billion compared to $2.2 billion in 2021.